尿液細菌培養檢查(Urine Culture Examination):
1. 請用寬口無菌瓶直接取中段尿,約容器半滿。
Use this container collect middle stream of your urine. About 50% full.
2. 採檢時,應注意保持乾淨,勿沾染其他檢體。
Taking care not to mixed with feces, urine or water to avoid lysis of trophozoites or contaminated of free-living environmental organisms.
3. 連同該檢驗單送回一樓抽血櫃檯驗收。
Hand in both the paper sheet and container back to the counter.
尿液細胞學檢查(Urine Cytology Examination):
1. 請用寬口無菌瓶直接取中段尿,約容器8分滿(30 mL)。
Use this container collect middle stream of your urine. About 80% full(About 30 mL).
2. 採檢時,應注意保持乾淨,勿沾染其他檢體。
Taking care not to mixed with feces, urine or water to avoid lysis of trophozoites or contaminated of free-living environmental organisms.
3. 於檢驗單上,清楚紀錄採集時間,連同檢驗單送回一樓抽血櫃檯驗收。
Writing down the date and time when you collect and hand in both the paper sheet and container back to the counter.
■ 注意事項 以上尿液採檢後,請於1小時內送達。若尿液檢體無法及時送至檢驗科室時,請將尿液放置4℃冰箱保存,但仍應盡速送交檢驗。
Do not hand in your sample over 1 hour. If you can’t bring the urine sample wihtin 1 hour, please store it in refrigerentor and hand in urine sample for examination up from as soon as possible.
SKH-SOP-451-007/B07 版本3.0