結核菌培養:(Tuberculosis Examination) 

1. 建議於清晨起床後以冷開水刷牙後,深吸一口氣,將痰用力咳在痰收集管中,立刻將蓋子蓋緊。 

After brash you teeth by clean water, then you take a deep breath, try to cough out your first sputum in the container. Screw up the container immediately. 

2. 將檢體與檢驗單送至一樓抽血櫃檯驗收 

Hand in both the paper sheet and container back to the counter.

痰液培養/痰液細胞學檢查: (Spetum Culture / Spetum Cytology Examination) 

1. 深吸一口氣,將痰用力咳在痰收集管中,立刻將蓋子蓋緊。 

Take a deep breath, try to cough out your sputum. Screw up the container immediately. 

2. 於檢驗單上,清楚紀錄採集時間,將檢體與檢驗單送至一樓抽血櫃檯驗收。 

Writing down the date and time when you collect and hand in both the paper sheet and container back to the counter. 

注意事項(Noting): 收集痰液檢體後,應盡速送檢,若無法立即送至檢驗科,請先放置4℃冰箱保存,但仍應盡速送交檢驗。 

Please hand in your spetum sample as soon as possible. If you can’t bring the spetum sample, please store it in refrigerator and hand in the spetum sample to examination as soon as possible. 

 SKH-SOP-451-007/B09 版本 2.0