常規糞便檢查與糞便潛血項目檢查 (Stool Roution and Stool Occult blood Examination) 

1. 請於檢查糞便前三天,禁食肉類、內臟、維他命C和鐵劑。 

Before you collect the stool sample, you have to avoid eating any meat, raw vegetables, vitamin C and chalybeate.


2. 請將糞便解在報紙上,挖取約花生米大小。 

Use newspaper or any clean container collect your stool. Put stool into this container, taking care not to mix with urine or water to avoid lysis of trophozoites or contaminate of free-living environmental organisms. 

3. 連同檢驗單,於上班時段,交回病理檢驗科廁所前窗口。 

Hand in the sample and sheet back to the sample table in front of restroom. 

SKH-SOP-451-007/B11版本 3.0