1. 採檢前須禁慾3天以上。
Avoid ejaculation for 72 hours before the test.
2. 請以手淫方式,將精液取出,需全部裝入容器內。(切勿使用保險套)
Use container Collect semen sample by masturbating(Do not collect semen from sample in condom.)
3. 於檢驗單上,清楚紀錄採集時間,並於30分鐘內送回一樓抽血櫃檯驗收;延遲送檢會影響檢驗結果。
Writed down the date and time when you collect and hand in both the paper sheet and container back to the counter within 30 minutes.
4. 請注意精液檢查收件時間為:週一至週五上午8點至下午4點。
We only accept semen sample 8:00-16:00 on weekdays.
SKH-SOP-451-007/B10 版本 3.0