- 醫學生見習及實習課程
臨床醫療服務外,本科亦致力於醫學生教學。與輔大及台北醫學大學醫學系有建教合作關係,配合提供醫學生見實習課程。 - 住院醫師教學
主治醫師於每週提供住院醫師個案討論、期刊討論及論文指導,住院醫師並於2004至2016年參與家庭醫學會學術研究發表,2005年劉佩雯醫師有關尿酸與代謝症候群相關性探討,獲得壁報組優等獎;2008年胡念之醫師有關台灣成年人大腸直腸腺瘤與代謝症候群的相關性,獲得口頭報告評選比賽第一名;2011年高瑜蔓醫師有關老年族群慢性腎臟病危險因子之探討,獲得口頭報告評選比賽第二名;2012年林立人醫師有關代謝症候群、肝功能與脂肪肝相關性之探討,獲得海報評選比賽第二名;2018年張翠巖醫師有關血清同型半胱氨酸與傳統心血管風險因子之探討,獲得台灣家庭醫學雜誌最佳論文獎第一名 ; 2019年陳若寧醫師有關血清葉酸濃度與慢性腎臟病之相關性探討,獲得海報評選比賽第三名,及院際論文發表競賽優勝獎 ; 2019年林威佑醫師有關嗜伊紅性白血球與代謝症候群的相關性探討,獲得海報評選第三名;2020年六院住院醫師研究論文發表競賽,羅皓瑀醫師與莊子璇醫師皆榮獲佳作。 - PGY社區醫學教學
本科負責本院PGY社區醫學教學,與市立聯合醫院陽明院區、忠孝院區、永和耕莘醫院、台安醫院等建立良好互動關係,提供PGY學員豐富課程選擇。 - 帛琉國家醫院家醫科實習訓練
配合醫院與帛琉國家醫院健教合作,負責家醫科訓練計畫。 - 論文著述及研究
陳仲達主任1. Lin WY, Chen JD. The association between eosinophil count, serum lipids and metabolic syndrome in Taiwanese. Med Sci 2023:365(1), 37-41(corresponding author)2. Chen LY, Chen YK, Chen JD. Acute mastoiditis and cerebellar capillary hemagioblastoma demonstrated by FDG PET/CT images. Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 2021;34:31-34.(corresponding author)3. Liu PT, Chen JD. Synergistic association of hyperuricemia and hyperhomocysteinemia with chronic kidney disease in middle-aged adults and the elderly population. Medicine(Baltimore)2021 Sep;100(37):e27202.(corresponding author)4. Chang TY, Chen JD. Low-density lipoprptein cholesterol/apolipoprotein B ratio is superior to apolipoprotein B alone in the diagnosis of coronary artery calcification. Coron Artery Dis. 2021 Sep; 32(6):561-566.(corresponding author)5. Serum Homocysteine and Traditional Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Atherosclerosis of the Coronary and Carotid Arteries 台灣家醫誌 2017; 27(2):77-88.(corresponding author)6. Hu NC, Chen JD, Cheng TJ. The Associations Between Long Working Hours, Physical Inactivity, and Burnout. J Occup Environ Med. 2016 May;58(5):514-518.7. Chen SW, Tsan YT, Chen JD, Hsieh HI, Lee CH, Lin HH, Wang JD, Chen PC. Health Data Analysis in Taiwan Research Group. Use of thiazolidinediones and the risk of colorectal cancer in patients with diabetes: a nationwide, population-bases, case-control study. Diabetes Care. 2013 Feb;36(2):369-375.8. Yu-Man Kao, Jong-Dar Chen. Inverse association between body mass index and chronic kidney disease in older diabetic adults. Ann Epidemiol. 2013 May;23(5):366-259.(corresponding author)9. Peng-Tzu Liu, An-Chun Hwang, Jong-Dar Chen . Combined effects of hepatitis B virus infection and elevated alanine aminotransferase levels on dyslipidemia. Metabolism. 2013 Feb;62(2):220-225.10. An-Chun Hwang, Yu-Cheng Lin, Peng-Tzu Liu, Yu-Man Kao, Jong-Dan Chen. Synergistic effect of gamma glutamyltransferase and obesity on metabolic syndrome, independent of hepatic steatosis. Ann Epidemiol. 2012 Dec 22.(corresponding author)11. Tsui-Yen Chang, Jong-Dar Chen. Fatty Liver and Metabolic Syndrome in Nonabdominally Obese Taiwanese Adults. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2012 Jun 8; 24(3):472-479.(corresponding author)12. Yu-Cheng Lin, Jong-Dar Chen, Chen PC. Excessive 5-year weight gain predicts metabolic syndrome development in healthy middle-aged adults. World J dIABETES. 2011 jAN 15;2(1):8-15.13. Nien-Chih Hu, Jong-Dar Chen, Yu-Min Lin, Jun-Yih Chang, Yu-Hung Chen. Stepwise relationship between components of metabolic syndrome and risk of colorectal adenoma in a Taiwanese population receiving screening colonoscopy. J Formos Med Assoc. 2011 Feb;110(2):100-108.14. Yu-Cheng Kin, Jong-Dar Chen, Lo SH, Chen PC. Worksite health screening programs for predicting the development of Metabolic Syndrome in middle-aged employees: a five-year follow-up study. BMC Public Health. 2010 Dec 2;10:747.15. Jong-Dar Chen, Yu-Cheng Lin, Shu-Tin Hsiao. Obesity and high blood pressure of 12_h night shift female clean-room workers. Chronobiol. Int. 2010 Jan; 27(2):334-344.16. Pei-Wen Liu, Tsui-Yen Chang, Jong-Dan Chen. Serum uric acid and metabolic syndrome in Taiwanese adults. Metabolism. 2010 June; 59(6):802-807.(corresponding author)17. Po-Hsin Chiang, Tsui-Yen Chang, Jong-Dan Chen. Synergistic effect of fatty liver and smoking on metabolic syndrome. World J Gastroenterol. 2009; Nov 14; 15(42):5334-5339.(corresponding author)18. Ping-Hao Chen, Jong-Dan Chen, Yu-Cheng Lin. A better parameter in predicting insulin resistance: obesity plus elevated alanine aminotransferase. World J Gastroenterol. 2009 Nov 28; 15(44):5598-5603.19. Yu-Cheng Lin, Jong-Dan Chen, Chao-Jen Chen. Abnormal liver function and central obesity associate with work-related fatigue among the Taiwanese workers. World J Gastroenterol. 2008 Nov 14;14(42):6541-6545.陳昱宏醫師1. Wu CK, Chan DC, Wang KL, Yu EC, Chang HH, Shyu KG, Chen YH, et al: Randomized Study of Benidipine Versus Lercanidipine Therapy in Patients with Mild to Moderate Hypertension, J Intern Med Taiwan 2020; 31: 333-3472. Hu NC, Chen YH: Pernicious Anemia Presenting with Unintentional Weight Loss and Shuffling Gait: A Case Report. Taiwan Geriatr Gerontol 2020; 15: 140-150. (Corresponding author)3. Chiang PH, Chen YH: Diagnosis, Pathogenesis, and Clinical lmportance. Taiwan J Fam Med 2014; 24: 1-8. (Corresponding author)4. Hu NC, Lin YM, Chen YH: Associations of Metabolic Factors and Cigarette Smoking with Colorectal Adenoma Risk in Taiwanese Men. Taiwan J Fam Med 2013; 23: 55-69. (Corresponding author)5. Liao CS, Lin YM, Chang HC, Chen YH, et al: Application of quantitative estimates of fecal hemoglobin concentration for risk prediction of colorectal neoplasia. World J Gastroenterol 2013; 19: 8366-72.6. Wu PH, Lin YM, Chen YH, et al: Comparing the outcomes of two strategies for colorectal tumor detection: Policy-promoted screening program versus health promotion service. J Chin Med Assoc 2013; 76:325-329.7. Lin YM, Chen YH, Hu NC, et al: The association of age, gender and metabolic factors with gallstone disease. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2011; 28:11-18.8. Hu NC, Chen JD, Lin YM, Chang JY, Chen YH: A stepwise relationship between components of the metabolic syndrome and risk of colorectal adenoma in a Taiwanese population receiving screening colonoscopy. J Fomos Med Assoc 2011; 110: 100-108. (Corresponding author)9. Chen YH, Hsu HY, Cheng YH, Lin YM: Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour with cystic change and coexisting Escherichia Coli infection: Report of a Case. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2010; 27: 290-295.10. Chen YH: A multi-center, retrospective, non-comparative study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Fluvastatin in Taiwanese patients with mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia and CV risks. 6th IHCE, 2010.11. 陳昱宏、胡念之:倦怠。家庭醫師臨床手冊第五版。台北:台灣家庭醫醫學會,2022 : 118-123 。12. 陳立育、陳仲達、 陳昱宏:輕微燒傷在基層醫療之處置。基層醫療, 2023; 38:72-79 。(通訊作者)13. 陳姿穎、陳仲達、 陳昱宏:糖尿病的營養治療。基層醫療, 2022; 37:349-353 。(通訊作者)14. 楊佳穎、陳仲達、 陳昱宏:糖化血色素之臨床判斷及影響測定之因素。基層醫療,2022; 37: 273-279 。(通訊作者)15. 蘇達華、陳仲達、陳昱宏:維生素 D 與癌症之相關性 。基層醫療,2022; 37:212-219。(通訊作者)16. 莊子璇、陳仲達、陳昱宏:Omega-3 脂肪酸與預防心血管疾病的相關性。基層醫療,2021; 36: 80-87。(通訊作者)17. 莊子琁、陳仲達、陳昱宏: 羅皓瑀、陳仲達、陳昱宏:惡性貧血的診斷與治療。基層醫療,2020; 35: 297-303。(通訊作者)18. 林威佑,林裕民、陳仲達、陳昱宏:幽門螺旋桿菌的藥物除菌治療策略。基層醫療,2019; 34: 218-227。(通訊作者)19. 陳若寧、陳仲達、陳昱宏:體重增加與肥胖的成因。基層醫療,2019; 34: 169-174。(通訊作者)20. 蘇家霈、陳仲達、陳昱宏:全身勞力不耐症。基層醫療,2018; 33: 198-203。(通訊作者)21. 張進華、 陳昱宏: 以搏動性耳鳴為表現之頸部 內側頸動脈瘤:病例報告 台灣家醫誌 2016; 26: 179- 186。(通訊作者)張俊毅醫師1. Jun-Yin Chang, Cheng-Chun Wei, Shih-Huang Lee : Cayheter-directed Thtombolysis Compared with Conventional Anticoagulation Therapy in the Managerment of Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, J Taiwan Cardiovasc Intert 2020;-:14-24.
2. Chang JY , Chen LK, Chang CC. Perspectives and expectations for telemedicine opportunities from families of nursing home residents and caregivers in nursing homes. Int J Med Inform 2009;78(7):494-502.3. Jun-Yih Chang, Jyh-Gang Leu, and Li-Che Lu. Metformin-Related Acute Lactic Acidosis in a Woman with Normal Renal Function. Acta Nephrologica 27(2): 108-113, 2013張翠巖醫師1.Tao-Che Lo, Tsui-Yen Chang , Jong-Dar Chen. The degrees and cause of visual impairment in children in the school for visual handicap. Taiwan J Fam Med 2005; 15:77-86.2. Po-Hsin Chiang, Tsui-Yen Chang , Jong-Dar Chen. Synergistic effect of fatty liver and smoking on metabolic syndrome. World J Gastroenterol. 2009; 14:15(42):5334-9.3. Chang TY, Chen JD. Fatty liver and metabolic syndrome in nonabdominally obese Taiwanese adults. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2012 May;24(3):472-9.4. Tsui-Yen Chang, Jong-Dar Chen. Serum Homocysteine and Traditional Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Atherosclerosis of the Coronary and Carotid Arteries. 台灣家醫誌 2017; 27: 77-885. Tsui-Yen Chang, Jong-Dar Chen. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol/apolipoprotein B ratio is superior to apolipoprotein B alone in the diagnosis of coronary artery calcification. Coron Artery Dis, 2021 Sep 1;32(6):561-566
胡念之醫師1. Hu NC, Chen YH, Lin YM, et al. A stepwise relationship between components of the metabolic syndrome and risk of colorectal adenoma in a Taiwanese population receiving screening colonoscopy. J Formos Med Assoc 2011; 110:100-8.24:362-42. Lin YM, Chen YH, Hu NC, et al. The association of age, gender and metabolic factors with gallstone disease. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2011; 28:11-8.3. 陳昱宏,胡念之:倦怠。家庭醫師臨床手冊第四版。台北:台灣家庭醫學醫學會,2017: 117-122。4. Hu NC. Hsieh SC. Chen TJ. Chang JY. Multiple primary malignancies including colon, stomach, lung, breast, and liver cancer: a case report and literature review. Chinese Med J. 2009, 122(24):3091-35. 胡念之, 陳昱宏, 陳仲達: 三價鉻在糖尿病治療的角色。家庭醫學與基層醫療 2009; 24:362-4.6. 胡念之, 陳昱宏, 林裕民等: 大腸鏡檢查後之追蹤建議。家庭醫學與基層醫療 2009; 24:283-67. 胡念之, 陳昱宏, 陳仲達: 不同糞便潛血檢驗方法在臨床上的應用。基層醫學 2008; 23:81-58. Lin YM, Chen YH, Hu NC, et al. Smoking and obesity in association with colorectal adenoma in adults < 50 yrs. GEST 2010.9. Hu NC, Chen JD, Cheng The Associations Between Long Working Hours, Physical Inactivity, and Burnout. Journal of Occupation and Environmental Medicine 2016; (58):514-810. 胡念之、陳昱宏:以非自願性體重減輕及拖曳步態為表現之惡性貧血-個案報告。臺灣老年醫學暨老年學會雜誌 2020; 15(2):140-150
柳朋馳醫師1. Peng- Tzu Liu, Jong-Dan Chen. Synergistic associatiob of hyperuricemia and hyperhomocysteinemia with chtonic kidney disease in middle-aged adults and the elderly population. Medicline(Baltimore). 2021 Sep 17; 100(37):e27202
2. Liu PT, Hwang AC, Chen JD. Combined Effects of Hepatitis B Virus Infection and Elevated Alanine Aminotransferase Levels on Dyslipidemia. Metabolism. 2013 Feb;62(2):220-5.3. Hwang AC, Lin YC, Liu PT, Kao YM, Chen JD. Synergistic effect of gamma glutamyltransferase and obesity on metabolic syndrome, independent of hepatic steatosis. Ann Epidemiol. 2012 Dec;22(12):876-80.蘇家霈醫師1. 蘇家霈,陳昱宏,陳仲達:全身勞力不耐症。家庭醫學與基層醫療2018;33:198-203陳若寧醫師
1. 陳若寧、陳仲達、陳昱宏:體重增加與肥胖的成因。家庭醫學與基層醫療 2019;34(6):169-174林威佑醫師
1. Wei-Yu Lin, Jong-Dan Chen. The association between eosinophil count, serum lipids and metabolic syndrome in Taiwanese. Am J Med Sci. 2023 Jan;365(1):37-41.
2. 林威佑、林裕民、陳仲達、陳昱宏:幽門螺旋桿菌的藥物除菌治療策略。家庭醫學與基層醫療 2019;34(8):218-227許俊賢醫師
1. C.-H. Hsu, Y.-L. Chen, C.-H. Hsieh, Y.-, Liang, S.-H. Liu, D. Pei. Hemogram-based decision tree for predicting the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases in the elderly.
An International Journal of Medicine, 2021, 363-373.
2. Te A, Wu TY, Chen YL, Pei D, Liu SH, Su YC, Hsu CH*. Supraventricular Bigeminy in the Elderly May Mimic Panic Disorder Deterioration. Psychogeriatrics. 2020 Jun 8. Online ahead of print. (SCI) *Corresponding author.3. Su YC, Hsu CH*. Occurrence of Complete Heart Block Associated with Acute Renal Infarction. Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol. 2019 Sep; 24(5): e12674. (SCI) *Corresponding author.4. Hsu CH, Yu SM, Lau SC, Chen YL, Pei D, Liu IC. Restless legs syndrome/Willis-Ekbom disease in type 2 diabetes as the initial manifestation of Parkinson's disease and major cardiovascular disease. Psychogeriatrics. 2017; 17(6): 498-9. (SCI)5. Hsu CH, Chen YL, Pei D, Yu SM, Liu IC. Depression as the Primary Cause of Insomnia and Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in a Family with Multiple Cases of Spinocerebellar Ataxia. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 2016; 12(7): 1059-61. (SCI)6. Hsu CH, Chang JB, Liu IC, Lau SC, Yu SM, Hsieh CH, Lin JD, Liang YJ, Pei D, Chen YL. Mean arterial pressure is better at predicting future metabolic syndrome in the normotensive elderly: a prospective cohort study in Taiwan. Preventive Medicine. 2015; 72: 76-82. (SCI)羅皓瑀醫師
1. 羅皓瑀、陳仲達、陳昱宏:惡性貧血的診斷與治療。家庭醫學與基層醫療 2020;35(10):297-303
1. 莊子璇、陳仲達、陳昱宏:Omega-3 脂肪酸與預防心血管疾病的相關性。家庭醫學與基層醫療 2021;36(3):80-87
1. 楊佳穎、陳仲達、陳昱宏:糖化血色素之臨床判斷及影響測定之因素。家庭醫學與基層醫療 2022;37(9)273-279
1. 蘇達華、陳仲達、陳昱宏:維生素D與癌症之相關性。家庭醫學與基層醫療 2022;37:212-219
1. 陳姿穎、陳仲達、陳昱宏:糖尿病的營養治療。家庭醫學與基層醫療 2022;37:349-353
2. Chen TZ, Li HL. The Role of Cholesterol Esters in Oligodendrocytes: Potential Therapeutic Effect on Alzheimer's Disease. 2019 Aug.
1. 陳立育、陳仲達、陳昱宏:輕微燒傷在基層醫療之處置。 2023;38:72-79
2. Chen LY, Chen YK, Chen JD. Acute mastoiditis and cerebellar capillary hemagioblastoma demonstrated by FDG PET/CT images. Annals od Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 2021;34:31-34
1. 洪健睿、陳仲達、張翠巖:慢性腹瀉的評估與鑑別診斷。基層醫療 2022;37(12):383-390